

?Sheet Metal Processing Operating Procedures


Sheet metal processing is an important technology that personnel engaged in stamping processing must master, and it is an important process for forming stamped products. Sheet metal processing includes traditional cutting, cutting, punching, elbow forming and other process methods and parameters.


1、 If cables in power equipment are damaged, they should be corrected immediately before use, otherwise there may be danger.


2、 When doing homework, if there is medicine powder, residue, etc., the operator must wear protective glasses and a face mask.


3、 When operating grinding wheels and angle grinders, there should be no flammable or explosive materials around them to prevent sparks from splashing.


4、 The homework personnel should work diligently, concentrate their attention, and not play or do anything unrelated to the homework.


5、 When loading and unloading materials, measures should be taken to prevent damage to power lines and high-pressure gas pipes.


6、 After the homework is completed, cut off the power supply of the equipment and complete the finishing work.


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Next:What equipment is required for sheet metal processing?
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